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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 北京市 朝阳区 百子湾路16号百子园5号楼A单元707室
  • 姓名: 刘
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定

    Eve Audio SC408 监听音箱

  • 所属行业:广电 专业音响设备 录音设备
  • 发布日期:2020-10-06
  • 阅读量:402
  • 价格:40000.00 元/套 起
  • 产品规格:监听音箱
  • 产品数量:1.00 套
  • 包装说明:100
  • 发货地址:北京朝阳  
  • 关键词:Eve,Audio,SC408,Eve,Audio

    Eve Audio SC408 监听音箱详细内容

    QQ:148-0362713   TEL:  项目经理:博乐
    供应销售EVE全线产品!   中国较大的系统集成商!
    The Eve Audio SC408 features a very powerful amplifier array, with one amplifier per driver. The larger woofers duplicate all frequencies up to a certain crossover frequency. The mid-range woofer picks up from there. This also means all our four-way speakers are symmetrical, as the woofers do not serve different frequency bands, but essentially duplicating the bass frequencies with an utmost preciseness.
    The result? Incredible bass reproduction, a very linear response, and plenty of power to shake up your main studio control room.
    The stylish grey plate in the middle of the speaker not only houses the midrange woofer and AMT tweeter, but it can also be rotated so that you can place your speaker vertically or horizontally.
    Tech Talk
    The SC408 is the largest four-way system monitor that EVE Audio produces and the perfect choice for larger control rooms where engineers look for the correct combination of power and precision.
    A pair of 8" SilverCone woofers with its glass fibre coated diaphragm in honeycomb structure cover the frequency range from an earthshattering 30 Hz up to 250 Hz. This will guarantee you a powerful, accurate and tight bass reproduction. A sophisticated 1.5" voice coil is responsible for creating a greater linear excursion, which will give you a very clear and accurate bass.
    A 5" midrange unit and our Air Motion Transformer RS3 (AMT Ribbon System 3) complete the system. The AMT RS3 - the same as in the SC407 model - houses a bigger magnet system to deliver a higher output level with virtually less distortion.
    Each driver is provided with its own PWM amplifier for a total short-term output power of 800 W. With a maximum output level of 118dB (SPL @ 1 m), there's plenty of power to keep the air moving, even in the larger control rooms.
    The SC408 combines a perfectly powerful bass with a transparent mid-range and crystal clear high frequency reproduction. For those reasons, we believe it will be the tool of choice for most mid-size to larger control rooms and studios.
    As with every other EVE Audio speaker, you get both balanced XLR inputs and unbalanced RCA inputs for greater convenience.
    With every EVE Audio speaker, you also get high resolution DSP electronics. One push knob operation and you will have access to accurate volume control and several different filter settings that will help you tailor your monitors to the way you work. And if you always avoid digital processing, we've got you covered. The DSP engine is supported with a high quality A/D converter (24bit/192kHz) from Burr-Brown, which delivers a pristine ** to the DSP section. And since the PWM amplifiers are directly connected to the DSP, no additional conversion is necessary.
    Bass Port Design
    It's all in the geometry. One of the downside effects of port compression is bass distortion. As you turn up the volume, the efficiency of the port reduces and distortion will increase.
    We opted for a large rear rectangular port with no hard edges for our bass port designs. That's one of the reasons EVE monitors have a high efficiency on the lower frequencies.
    The results? High sound pressures with tight and punchy bass frequencies that don't cause port distortion. Crank up the volume, and EVE will deliver a round bass. And with no holes to look at every time you glance at your speakers.

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